Top 10 Tips to increase Google Adsense earning

When you start to get a good number of visitors on your blog or site, you want to make more money through google AdSense.
     So many bloggers search on Google that How can I increase my Google AdSense earning? Here I am putting some points to be remembered, if you want to increase your AdSense earning. I have collected these tips from different articles and compiled here for you.
        How to increase Google Adsense earning?
Its more important to work smarter than harder. I'm not refusing to hardwork, but you have to keep your eyes open with focus, what's going on in market, updates, Kinds of advertisement and what an advertiser is paying for that. As much you would have deep knowledge of AdSense and its kinds of advertisement, that much you would be benefiting and start making more money by AdSense.
1. Keyword research : It's an important aspect for newbie blogger, because in starting we don't pay much attention towards picking the Right and profitable keyword. It may be possible that you wrote very good content but just because picking poor keyword you are not getting as much views in search engine optimization. That's the way that you are not able to pull handsome no. Of traffic to your page. Always use longtail keywords with high CPC and make your research before selecting one, so that your hardwork can pay you smartly.
2. Placement of ads : This is another very important factor, because a new blogger is not that much sound knowledge in placing the ads at right place. Its as simple as we read any article online as a reader.
         How do we read it and from where we start, definitely from top left corner, so that could be a good place to put the ads link. But if its after 1 or 2 paragraph of an article so in my view it could be more better, why because a reader just starts to engross in article till 2 paragraph and if an ad is displayed, so he is more likely to click that ad and want to know that what's in that ad, and that's what you exactly wanted.
     All this is important but you don't have to voilate AdSense policy about ads placement.
3. Refferal links : Its another way what bloggers use. Simply Refferal link is when you put your blog's link on another website and visitors redirected from their site to your page, then google consider it as a Refferal click. Which pulls to visitors on your page, and there are more chances to make more money by AdSense.
4. Adsense CPC : Again I would say about keyword research, because when you are seraching right keywords, then you should focus on keywords which have high CPC, high CPC means advertisers are paying more money for that particular keyword in comparison than other. But it doesn't mean that you pick the keyword which has no relativity with your content. Pick a genuine high CPC keyword, and there are more possibility to having earn more AdSense revenue.
What is CPC, CPM, CTR, RPM in Google AdSense?
5. Target developed country : It may be possible that you have good numbers of visitors on your site but afterall you are paid less, its just because your traffic source would be from underdeveloped country. You should target the developed country like U.S and U.K with high CPC, so I assure you for getting good revenue.
6. Mobile friendly site : Its another important reason that your site should be mobile frindly because now a days most of the readers use their mobile for all the stuff in comparison of PC and Laptop.
7. Ads size : The size of ad actually matters a lot, according to Adsense the big size ads attract to visitors to click on ads. The wide ads perform better than tall ads.
8. Focus on uncommon: when you want something extraordinary, you have to do extraordinary work, you have to pick extraordinary Niche, and keywords. Follow extraordinary SEO tips and results will be extraordinary.
9. Copy and learn : Blogging world is full of genius guys, and mostly successful bloggers have devoted their time and hardwork. So its a good way to follow them. What kinds of Niche they use. What strategy and tools they are using to get traffic.
        Don't try to cheat by copying their content, as they worked hard for creating that content, you can take idea only. All famous bloggers also share tips, so you can follow those tips to increase your AdSense earning.
10. Ad units : New Bloggers sometimes don't understand that they should use right numbers of ad units to their blog or site. If your artice is lengthy and you are using only one ad unit so that is really a big loss for you. you can focus on atleast 3 ad units, and try to put all kinds of ad units for better result.
As now Google Adsense has launched auto ads, so its very fantastic to take benefits from this new ads feature. Let google decide what kinds of ad units and where to keep them, so that you can make more money.
What's AdSense auto ads and how to use auto ads.
Please comments below about your experience, as your comment means a lot for a blogger like me.
Thanks a lot.
Image source : Pixabay


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