Google Adsense Terms- CPC, CTR, CPM, RPM, Page views, Impression

When you are seeking about monetization and want earning through Adsense, then so many things come in front of you, those are CPC, CPM, CTR, RPM, Impression, Page view and so on. So in this post I am going to tell you about these terms.
      As upto this time you would be aware of what is Google AdSense. So Google Adsense is a system, by which bloggers and webmasters make money online. Google AdSense earn revenue through different ads system like CPM, CTR, CPC and others, so let's see these one by one.
1. CPC - Cost per click.
2. CPM- Cost per 1000 impression.
3. CTR - Clickthrough rate.
4. RPM- Revenue per thousand             impression.
Now let's see what are these term means.
1. Cost per click (CPC) : CPC means a number of amount, which is paid you, when a visitor or user clicks on the ad, which is placed on your blog or website. For each ad there is different CPC amount which is decided by advertisers. High searching keywords have High CPC. That is the reason, why people select high CPC keywords for their articles.
Formula of CPC -
CPC =(Total earning/Total click)
2. Clickthrough rate (CTR) : CTR means the number of ad clicks, which is divided by the number of impressions or page views.
Formula for CTR :-
CTR=(Clicks/ impressions or views)× 100
Example - suppose you have 10 clicks and  page views are 1000
So CTR = (Clicks/Page views) ×100%
   CTR = (10/1000) × 100%
   CTR = 1%
3. Cost per thousand(CPM) : CPM means Cost per thousand impressions.
As by name You can understand it that the decided Cost of any ad for per 1000 impressions.
So again for different keywords there are different CPM, which is decided by advertisers.
4. Revenue per thousand impression (RPM):
RPM is just like CPM, but here you know about the estimate earning for per thousand impression. RPM doesn't tell your actual earning.
Formula for RPM:
RPM= (Estimated earning/number of page views) ×1000
If you earn 20$ for 4000 views then your RPM is
RPM= (Estimated earning/no of views)×
So these are the main Adsense ad terms, which you will frequently read, if you are looking for making money online by AdSense. I have put here all important information, but if you wnat to know something more, then please comment below. Your comments motivate me for good articles.
Thanks a lot.


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